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Περισσότερα απο το distrowatch.com:
Otavio Salvador has announced the availability of the second release candidate of the Debian Installer for "Lenny", the upcoming release of Debian GNU/Linux 5.0. As usual, the installer comes with the complete set of Debian "Lenny" packages on CD, DVD and Blu-ray images. From the release announcement: "The Debian Installer team is pleased to announce the second release candidate of the installer for Debian GNU/Linux 'Lenny'. Improvements: updated Linux kernel (2.6.26-13) and external modules (2.6.26-5); available modules for PATA devices on CD-ROM images; improved brltty device support; support firmware loading from USB devices in SPARC; improved support for encrypted partitions in rescue mode; fixed multi-arch CD - it no longer boots directly to the amd64 installer; updated installation guide with a re-added Spanish translation...." The most common way to install Debian "Lenny" is by using the "netinst" CD images, which can be downloaded from here: debian-Lenny-DI-rc2-i386-netinst.iso (150MB, MD5), debian-Lenny-DI-rc2-amd64-netinst.iso (131MB, MD5).
Μια μικρή διόρθωση. Πρόκειται για RC2 του Debian Installer και όχι του Lenny. Στο Debian το testing έχει διαρκώς χαρακτήρα release candidate και δεν υπάρχουν development builds, alphas, betas κλπ.